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Please be aware that work has started to build a new walkway over the water inlet on the south bank of the bottom pond. It will hopefully be finished on sunday. You can still access the back via the middle dam but if you wish to fish the south bank please be careful when using the walkway as it is still soft under foot. Also peg 10 on the north bank will be a no fishing swim in till further notice due to the amount of roots just under the water line. We will hopefully be clearing the roots at some point this year but we will have to drop the water level alot lower than it has been recently so it will probably be later in the year once the hot weather has passed so please for the safety of the fish don't fish the swim. It will be getting closed of with in the next few weeks. Sorry for any inconvenience caused while the ponds are being maintained but this work needs to be carried out for all of your safty so please bear with us. Your help with this work is more then welcome. Please keep an eye out on the website for the next work party. 

Please keep your pictures of your catches coming in aswell we like seeing all of your catches.

Tight lines 

The Pdac committee 

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