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Work Party

The Petersfield & District Angling is a non-profit Club, we do not have the finances to hire contractors to carry out any maintenance work to our waters, and maintenance plays an essential part in ensuring the clubs waters are kept to a high standard and most of all, safe for our members to enjoy their fishing.


All of the maintenance on the clubs venues is carried out by a small band of volunteer members, our dedicated committee & our team of bailiffs.

Unfortunately over the past few years the number of volunteers has declined and we now only see the same few faces at work parties.


We try to schedule a work party on a monthly basis, but some, when required are at short notice, and members will be notified of this on the Website and Facebook Page.


Do you want that annoying branch taken out from your favourite swim, why not come along and help out. We are also open to suggestions to how we can improve our venues.

If you would like to attend a work party, please reply to any scheduled work party on the Website, Facebook page or contact one of our committee members.

We meet at the selected venue for 9:00am, and the work is carried out for no more than 3-4 hours.


Please ensure to bring some tools along, plus waterproofs, protective gloves, boots and chest waders, if you have them.

The club will supply some tools and equipment.



Work parties are good fun and a good way to get to know your club officials and other members, and we’d love to see you there.

The more members that attend, the less work there is for each person to do, it’s surprising how much can be achieved in such a short time.


You will be guaranteed to make new friends and have a good laugh (and occasionally someone falls in, which adds to the entertainment value!!).


The kind of work that takes place is repairing swims, strimming and pruning bankside vegetation, weed control and general tidying up, all done for the benefit of the club and its members…… But this can only be achieved with your help.


If you can spare a few hours once a month, please let us know.

“YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU!” …….Keep your eyes on our website or Facebook page for the latest updates.

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The Pdac.... Making It Happen

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