Carrie-Anne Emery.
Harting Combe - 24th-26th August.
Just sending in a catch report of our weekend on Harting Combe.
John and i decided to have a match between us biggest carp wins, we'll I'm happy to say I won and caught a little common carp at 5:30 in the morning weighing 11.10, it was a beaut it's very rare I beat the pro himself tho.
so I'm lapping up the glory also tho I caught 2 Tench weighing at 4.12 and the other was about the same and a Bream weighing about 5lb lol sadly John lost one at 4am tho heartbreaking but he's not having a blank so back to the bank till he gets one. lol

Pdac Says:
Its great to see female anglers getting amongst the fish on Harting Combe.
Well done Carrie-Anne, keep up the great work and tight lines.