Pdac 2020/21 Application Forms are now available from the club website and local Tackle Outlets
We now accept on-line payments.
All on-line payments must include the following reference no. (your membership no./your Surname).
For new members, please use reference no. (NEW/your Surname).
Pdac on-line payment details:
Sort Code: 60-16-26
Account: 80007481
Application forms will have the relevant information for on-line payments and all forms must be completed clearly.
To help you receive all the latest information regarding announcements and events, please include your email address.
To download a 2020/21 form now, just follow the link: https://www.thepdac.co.uk/join-us
Members renewing, and wish to make on-line payments, can either download a new application form using their current membership no. or use the renewal pull-out form from their handbook.
Members using the handbook pull-out, must include a note & their payment reference number (as illustrated below).

Please Note: Memberships will only be issued once on-line payments have been confirmed.
Anyone experiencing any issues with on-line payments and require any assistance, please email us on thepdac@gmail.com