Putting this out to current members.
We are currently looking to add to our team of bailiffs, we have positions for 2 to 3 bailiffs to monitor Harting Combe on a voluntary basis from the start of 2020/21 season.
The ideal candidate(s) must be outgoing and pleasant in social relations, venue knowledge is not essential but may help.
Tasks involved are, regular day & night checks, monitoring and reporting of any maintenance required. Bailiffs will share the load on checks.
Although the venue is monitored nightly by security, bailiff checks would still be required.
All night bookings will be via the Booking system and all bailiffs will have access to the What’s App/Messenger for notifications of bookings.
Harting Combe work parties are not compulsory, but an appearance would be grateful
Bonus: free membership to fish all PDAC waters.
If you are interested...Please apply by emailing us on thepdac@gmail.com or either contact any committee member or make yourself known at the forthcoming AGM 5th Mar.
