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Fishery news 29/06/24

Firstly, a hug thankyou to those that had turned out for today's work party on Harting Combe.

We had achieved so much in a short time, removing over hanging limbs, tidy up in the car park and a complete strim all round.

It was good to see a couple of new faces, although i would appreciate seeing a few more to help out as we could achieve much much more.

On another note, recent reports that have come my way.

I must remind members that dogs and non-member guests are not permitted on any PDAC waters.

It was reported to me today, that a member accompanied with a dog had allowed it to deposit its faeces on three occasions and left without cleaning it up.

It was also reported that members have been accompanied with non fishing guests and some members continue to leave rubbish within swim areas or discard rubbish in nearby bushes, all of these are breaches of club rules.

Club members must abide by club rulings, non fishing guests must hold an associate membership, this is a stipulation set by our landowners that everyone is covered under the club's insurance.

Any continuation of this is a breach of our lease agreements and will jeopardise any securing of lease extensions.

Please read and abide by the rules!!!

Fisheries Manager

Pete Lemon

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