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Nyewood Parking

With the on going works on the Nyewood Parking area, the club have been informed by the landowner, to set out a temporary parking area.

The top car park is temporarily out of use, whilst plant machinery is on site, and the temporary parking area is in place at the bottom of the track close to the ponds.

We ask all members to comply and work with the landowner at all times, members must display parking permits at all times, with the inclusion of keeping the main top gate locked at all times...if you find it open, then please close and lock it.

Please park sensibly and avoid creating ruts, as this will not help vehicles exiting when the weather is wet.

If members choose to ignore this request and continue to park in the car park, your vehicle will be at risk of damage or may be removed by the work force.

Many thanks, and we appreciate your patience during these times.


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