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Nyewood Update 19/07/23

All Members,

first of all, i must apologise for the call i have had to make this evening for the Nyewood evening match.

After a discussion with the Match Secretary last night and my explanations as to why i was concerned about holding the match on bottom pond i left it to speak to u all and hopefully agree to move to the top pond.

Reason for this was after Pete Marchant's and Kris Collins hard work we now have water entering the top pond but hadn’t reached bottom, my concern is even on peg 19 we only have 19 inches of water, so after discussing with Kris Collins i have made the decision to move the match to top pond.

I have also made decision to stop any matches including knockout until further notice for fish welfare, i envisage the water will get to bottom pond in next week

thx for your understanding.

Pete Lemon

Fisheries Manager

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