Our big junior event is just around the corner, it would be good to see a strong attendance from our junior members...so dont miss out & book in now!

Last years event saw a good turn out, some attendees from neighbouring clubs and some further afield.
We have two sections, 8-12yrs & 13-16yrs.
Section 8-12: all abilities welcome, parent/guardian assistance permitted.
Section 13-16: all anglers will be expected the fish with no assistance, although help if in any difficulties will be permitted.
Two keepnets are required, The Pdac will supply nets to those that don't have them (please notify us when booking in).
To book in, simply click on the link at the foot of this post.
Lets take a look back to last years event, everyone a winner and all went home with something.
20 Anglers attended, the weather was great, the fishing was brilliant and the atmosphere was outstanding.
Dont Miss Out....Book Now!