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Pdac Photo Comp Winners

We can now reveal the winners of this seasons photograph competition, but firstly we must thank all those members that have submitted their photos, took time to vote constantly throughout the past 7 months where some of the voting was extremely close in a couple of the categories.

This competition is not all about you and your fish captures, we also appreciate some lovely scenic shots of our waters and the wildlife that surrounds them.

This competition has now been running for 2 years and we have received a number of excellent shots which we plan to select a few to upload to the club website.

Next year we plan to run the competition the full season and this may generate some great winter shots.

The format remains the same, 4 winners from 4 categories: Juvenile, Junior, Adult & the Committees Choice, the winners from each section to receive their choice of a club embroidered Cap.

Your Winners:

We shall be in touch with the winners shortly, we thank those all involved and look forward to next years competition.

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