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Support Our Younger Members

We have 3 Junior members that joined the Pdac two months ago, we have seen these young lads on a regular basis fishing our waters.

The three of them either cycle or walk to our venues with the bare minimum of tackle, they are so stretched with sharing their tackle, such as a net, mat and one umbrella that they all sit under to keep out of the rain.

These lads are exceptionally well behaved, have the upmost respect for our elder members and happy to accept any tips to improve their fishing skills...they certainly have the bug for it.

The current pandemic has affected everyone financially and the 3 of them need our support.

We are asking our members if they would like to donate any old tackle to them, they are sure to appreciate anything that you would have to offer, if only for the meantime.

Landing net pole & net, keepnet, unhooking mat, banksticks, seat/chair, box, method feeders, hooks....anything!

We know its a big ask....But lets help the future of our club!

Members can email Shaun on to arrange passing on anything you have.

Many thanks in advance.

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