Scheduled Work Party - Your Club Needs You!
Wednesday 28th June
Bopeep Pond
4pm onwards
The Pdac have a very small pro-active group managing our waters, the club is a non-profit organisation with very little funds available to fiance these maintenance projects.
Every little support from club members would be a massive bonus, if you are available and able to help for just a couple of hours...this would make a huge difference to make light work.
Details of Wednesday's work party entail the removal of weed from the pond, barrowing and depositing weed, strimming and general tidy up of the bankside and car park.
Members with waders, barrows, forks, loppers, brush removing/strimming equipment would be helpful but not essential...many hands make light work.
Please help us where possible to ensure our waters are in perfect condition for you to enjoy your fishing.
For further details, please contact me 07748 846275
Pete Lemon
Fisheries Manager